Polar/radar/spider charts' xml

polar chart's composition

Data.xml file example
<chart by='www.advance-media.com' fadeIn='1' fadeInFromBgColor='000000' brightnessFill='-30' brightnessLine='40' startRotationAngle='90' endRotationAngle='204' elementColor='FF9900,FF66FF' baseFontColor='cccccc' baseFontSize='12' baseFont='Tahoma' baseFontIsBold='1' divLineFontSize='10' canvasBgColor='555555' canvasBgBevel='80' canvasBgBrightnessLine='100' canvasBgBrightnessFill='80' bgColor='aaaaaa,555555,000000' showHoverCap='7' hoverCapBgColor='777777' hoverCapBorderColor='999999' hoverCapAlpha='50' decimalPrecision='-1' divLineDecimalPrecision='0'caption='3D Radar Chart' captionFontSize='22' navJog='1' nav3D2D='1' navPrint='1' navFullScreen='1'>
      <category name='Size' />
      <category name='Comfort\r\nSeats' />
      <category name='Prize' />
      <category name='Durability' />
      <category name='Fun\r\nFactor' />
      <category name='Support' />
   <dataset seriesName='Item B' alpha='66'>
      <set value='9.3' />
      <set value='4' />
      <set value='4.4' />
      <set value='4.1' />
      <set value='6.5' />
      <set value='7' />
   <dataset seriesName='Item A' alpha='66'>
      <set value='3' />
      <set value='2.8' />
      <set value='4' />
      <set value='7' />
      <set value='3' />
      <set value='4' />
Simply copy and paste the code above from the first <chart ... > to the last </chart> tag into any text editor of your choice and save it as e.g. 'Data.xml' file. Edit that file as you like (UTF-8 multilingual fonts are supported) or generate it with data pulled from a database. Below you'll find a comprehensive list of all xml attributes parsed by the flash chart movie.

polar/radar/spider xml

attributes of the <chart ... > node

fadeIn='1'booleanBoolean to fade in the entire stage from the background color while the intro begins to play. This also sets the fade out color of the reload/refresh option.
fadeInFromBgColor='000000'colorSets the background-color from which to fade in the entire chart movie. It usually should match the movie's background-color set in the html embed part.
initialXgrow='0'booleanBoolean determining the growth animation of the entire chart while the intro.
startMode2D3D='3'number3D positioning of the chart in the beginning. Use the valid value '2' to start with showing the chart's 2D view. Set to '3' to begin in 3D mode.
caneraY='20'numberPositioning the camera in the 3D sphere (y-axis). Value range 0 to 100 (2D).
by='www.advance-media.com'stringJust to prove a fool, as proof of the 3D charts' authenticity. If this attribute is not set or set to any other value besides 'www.advance-media.com' then an advance-media watermark will show up. The watermark of the evaluation copy can't be turned off by setting this attribute though.
wallThickness='30'numberVertical size of each area or line chart element in dots.
roseWidth='30'numberValid for the 'Rose' Polar/Radar chart type only. Width of each element of a series. Value range 0 to 100 in percent of the space available.
line3DStroke='8'numberValid for the 'Line' Polar/Radar chart type only. Sets the 3D stroke or thickness of any line graph in dots. This is a true miter calculation if not set to zero. Use values btw 5 to 20 to obtain a beautiful 3D line effect. The center of the 3D line stroke will exactly match the set value of the data point.
brightnessFill='23'numberValue range -100 to 100. Brightness, fading the gradient fill color of each chart element. Set to -100 to fade to black and 100 to fade to white.
brightnessLine='42'numberValue range -100 to 100. Brightness, fading the color of the lines of each chart element.
startRotationAngle=''numberSet the degree angle point 0 to 359 where to draw the first category and data point of the Polar/Radar chart to start with here.
endRotationAngle='25'numberValue range degree 0 to 359. Sets the end rotation angle point around the y-axis for the 'intro' animation. The 'Jog' button of the chart's navigation switches to pause if this end angle is reached and the user did not click the jog in between. If this attribute is left blank then this rotation continues forever without stopping by itself.
playMode='Forward'stringFurther valid values are 'Backward' or 'Pause'. Set the initial direction of the 360 turn around the y axis.
wobble='10'numberSets the up and down movement of the camera while the rotation of the Polar/Radar chart. This event is invoked twice while a full 360º rotation around the y axis. Initial degrees are 90 and 270. Note, setting the startRotationAngle='270' or ='90' will start this camera wobble effect immediately while the intro begins to play.
bevel='80'numberBevel color fade effect of the radial gradient fill of each 'line' or 'area' chart element. Value range 0 to 100 in percent.
radius='150'numberRadius of the canvas in dots. If left blank then this value is calculated on automatic (autoFit functionality).
nameTBDistance='35'numberThe distance between the categories' names and the canvas. The text flies on a circle calculated around the 3D canvas object. Allow some minimum space for the 3D placing to avoid overlapping. Values above '20' are recommended here.
elementColor='66aadd,66ddaa'colorSet the entire color theme of the chart movie's elements/series with just one or two colors here. If only one color is provided then all series are going to be rendered in this tone. If two colors are provided (separated by a comma and no blank space) then the first series is going to be rendered having this first color, the last will be rendered having the second color. All colors in between will be solid colors calculated by the movie on automatic fading smoothly from the first color to the second color. Any color specified in the <dataset ... > or <set ... > node will overwrite the automatically calculated color settings of that particular series.
baseFont='Verdana'stringName of the text font. 'Verdana' is the default value here. This attribute can be set to any standard font like baseFont='Tahoma'.... Note, all the base font attributes (font color size bold) do set the values of all further font attributes e.g. the attribute determining the font size of the chart's caption (captionFontSize) if that is not set to another value.
baseFontColor='6080ff'colorgeneral hexadecimal color value of font
baseFontSize='10'numberfont size of the text elements
baseFontIsBold='1'booleanrender font bold
outCnvBaseFont='Verdana'stringstandard font name of the text elements outside of the chart canvas
outCnvBaseFontSize='14'numberfont size of the text elements outside of the chart canvas
outCnvBaseFontIsBold='1'booleanrender outer canvas font bold
showHoverCap='4'numberRender a hover cap for the chart's values. No cap is rendered if set to '0' zero. A rectangular cap is rendered if set to '1'. Values greater than '1' will render a cap with round corners. The corner radius is set in dots by this very attribute. All values of the 4 hover cap attributes (showHoverCap hoverCapBgColor hoverCapBorderColor hoverCapAlpha) are taken as default values for the showDivCap (cap of the divisional line values) and caps of the categories names if their respective attributes are not set to other values.
hoverCapBgColor='ccddff'colorSet the background color of the hover cap with this attribute.
hoverCapBorderColor='ffffff'colorSet the border line color of the hover cap with this attribute.
hoverCapAlpha='25'numberSet the alpha transparency of the hover cap with this attribute.
showDivCap='4'numberRender a cap of the divisional line values. No cap is rendered if set to '0' zero. A rectangular cap is rendered if set to '1'. Values greater than '1' will render a cap with round corners. The corner radius is set in dots by this very attribute.
divCapBgColor='ccddff'colorSet the background color of the divisionl line value cap with this attribute.
divCapBorderColor='ffffff'colorSet the border line color of the divisionl line value cap with this attribute.
divCapAlpha='25'numberSet the alpha transparency of the divisionl line value cap with this attribute.
bgColor='ffffff'colorBackground Color. Specify as many colors as you like to render a gradient filled BG (comma separated, no blank space) -> bgColor='ffffff,000000,808080'
bgAlpha='0'numberSet to zero (bgAlpha='0') to switch off the rendering of the drawn bg completely. Value range 0 to 100, set the alpha for each color of a gradient filled color -> bgAlpha='100,70,30'
bgFillType='radial'stringset to 'radial' or 'linear' background fill type
bgDegree='290'numberRotation of the colored BG. Value range 0 to 359
bgRatio='0,50,100'numberSet in percent the ratio (amount) of each color of a gradient filled bg respectively
bgAlphaFadeIn='1'booleanSet this boolean for an initial alpha fade-in effect of the drawn background. Default is 0 zero.
cornerMask='1'booleanBoolean to switch on a rectangle mask with corner radius option and inner bevel gradient fill. (good for page integration, match any solid bgColor) Default is 0, switched off
maskBevel='50'numberSet the size of the gradient bevel fill in dots here.
maskCornerRadius='70'numberThe corner radius should be greater than the bevel. Exception: If set to '0' then the mask is rendered without round corners!
maskColor='ffffff'colorouter hexadecimal color of the rectangles gradient fill. Default is bgColor
maskAlpha='100'numberouter color alpha. Default is 100
maskInnerColor='000000'colorinner hexadecimal color of the mask gradient fill. Default is bgColor. set this color to match high contrasts to the background color. Also set this color and its alpha value to tone the entire chart
maskInnerAlpha='0'numberinner color alpha. Default is zero.
bgSWF='chartBg.swf'stringLoading an optional external swf or a non progressive .jpg image in the background. Sets the name and path. Note: The Flash 9-10 AS3 (Action Script 3) charts do support .gif and .png image format too, an animated .gif will render the first frame only. Also loading older MX as1-as2 movies is supported by Flash 9-10 AS3.
fgSWF='chartFg.swf'stringLoading an optional external swf or a non progressive .jpg image in the foreground. Sets the name and path. Note: The Flash 9-10 AS3 charts do support .gif and .png image format too, an animated .gif will render the first frame only. Also loading older MX AS1-AS2 movies is supported by Flash 9-10 AS3.
fgIsEnabled='0'booleanFlash 9-10 AS3 charts only. Boolean switch to disable/enable mouse events in the foreground. Note: Even if a movieclip in the foreground is not a button it will disable underlaying buttons if this attribute is not set to zero '0'. In the Flash MX AS1-AS2 version overlapping MovieClips do not affect button events in the background.
sndMP3='chart_sound.mp3'stringLoading an optional external mp3 sound. Sets the name and path. Plays on click rollover and rollout.
animationWallAlpha='1'booleanintro effect: alpha transparency fade in of the canvas and the chart elements
decimalSeparator=','stringif set then the chosen decimal separator char will replace the usual '.' separator of all visible/rendered float values. Turns 13.01 for example into 13,01 (Europe float notation).
thousandSeparator='.'stringif supplied then a thousand separator char will be added (turns a value of 1000000 for example into 1.000.000) to improve readability
thousandthSeparator=' 'stringthousandth separator char of all visible float numbers (turns a value of 4.08000245 for example into 4.080 002 45) to improve readability.
decimalPrecision='0'numberthis attribute specifies the decimal Precision (rounding numbers). Turns 33.3333333333 into 33.3 One can switch off this option by setting a negative value like decimalPrecision='-1' but large numbers can cause overlap effects. Yet if set to '1' then a value of 50 will be turned into 50.0. If set to zero '0' then 66.6 will be rounded to 67
numberSuffix='€'stringnumber suffix of visible numbers like 't' for tons or '$' Dollar or € ¥ £ (UTF-8 support). One can add an extra blank space like ' $' to separate the suffix from the digits.
numberPrefix='t 'stringnumber prefix of visible numbers.
formatNumberScale='0'booleanSI abbreviation (click: SI prefix), number scaling, use this attribute to switch on/off rounded and abbreviated number output showing k (thousands) and M (millions) up to E standing for Trillion (USA) or Quintillion (Europe) - so 3000 will show like 3k. Recommended to save space if handling very large numbers or very small float values. 3D charts support this number scaling divided by thousand and thousandth. The thousandth support goes down to µ (micro). Use the 'scaleAbbr' attribute (look below) to change these predefined single character abbreviations as desired. The Flash 9-10 AS3 charts do support 20 digit number and the smallest number is one µ. AS3 supports 64-bit double-precision format as specified by the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE-754) The as1-as2 compatible version supports 14 digit numbers and the smallest number is 10µ. Note, E Notation (click: scientific or exponential notation) is fully supported (look below) to handle numbers beyond 20/14 digits limit and smaller than 1µ or 10µ respectively.
scaleAbbr=',, k, Milion, Bil.'stringSI (click: SI prefix) abbreviation scale string, comma separated. Please read about the 'formatNumberScale' attribute above for more info. This string can contain up to 8 comma separated values. Its default value is: 'µ,m,k,M,G,T,P,E'. To change only the value of 'G' standing for the giga prefix or a Billion (USA)/Milliard (Europe) or 1000000000 one does not have to set all 8 values. Supplying this attribute like scaleAbbr=',,,,, Bil.' would change only the 'E' represented value and all others values would still be represented by their respective default value.
Enotation=' Exp. 'stringE Notation (click: scientific or exponential notation) A value='3.45e-9' standing for 3.45-9 is a small float number witch is equal to 3.45 nano or 0.00000000345. The scale abbreviation set by the 'scaleAbbr' attribute (look above) stops whenever the flash player switches to the E notation to handle these very large/small numbers. Very large numbers are handled rounded. A 20 digit (as3) and a 14 digit (as1-as2) limit exists. Both AS3 versions (Flash 9 and 10) can handle a maximum value of 1.79769313486231e+308 which is 265 - 1 and a minimum value of 4.940656458412467e-324. All three versions do support the E notation. The default character 'e' standing for 'exponential' can be replaced by setting this attribute. Usually a capital 'E' is preferred. Note, the set 'decimalPrecision' and the 'decimalSeparator' (look above) do apply for numbers in E notation too. So '3.45e-9' can be formatted to look like '3,5E-9'. Also the number prefix and suffix are valid like 'NANO 3.45E-9'. If one sets an E notation value in the 3D charts Data.xml file for a number within flash's usual value range like '1.5e+2' then flash is going to transform this number automatically, here to '150' and vice versa. A number consisting of over 20 digits will be parsed to it's equivalent E notation automatically.
showValues='1'booleaninitially hide '0' or show '1' all values of the chart elements
btnValues='1'booleanhide/show the all values button of the legend
btnValuesText='show Data,hide Data'stringtext of the hide/show all values button. Two state button if this string is separated by a comma!
spokeMaxValue='40000'numberDetermines a fixed maximum value for the spokes of the radar/polar chart. The chart movie calculates this maximum value by itself to the next higher rounded value of the highest/greatest data point found in all series if this attribute is not set! (In some cases this value could be set to a negative number) E notation is supported (look above).
spokeMinValue=''numberThis minimum value for the spokes of the radar/polar chart is set to 0 by default but one can set values above or below 0 to change the scale. E notation is supported (look above).
numDivLines='10'numberValue '0' shows the zero (center) division value on the canvas only. Set this value to numdivlines='-1' to render no div-line (divisional line). '10' for ten div-lines plus the zero center
showDivLineValue='1'numberThe calculation of this attribute uses the modulo operator (rest of the division) to show/hide the div-line value text (number) on the canvas. Use value '-1' for no div-line value text. Value '0' shows the text of the zero center only. Value '1' shows each text of every line. Value '10' shows the text of the 10th line and the zero center. Try 10 div-lines (numDivLines) and showDivLineValue='5' or ='2' to render each 5th or each second div-line text.
divLineDecimalPrecision='1'numberAn extra attribute to set the div-line values' decimal Precision (rounding numbers), if not set then the value of the decimalPrecision attribute (please look below) is taken here. Turns 33.3333333333 (e.g. max value 100 divided by 4 divLines) into 33.3 One can switch off this option by setting a negative value like divLineDecimalPrecision='-1' but switching off is not recommended especially without setting a fixed y axis maximum value (yAxisMaxValue) because large float numbers caused by the division should be avoided to save space. Yet if set to '1' then a div-line value of 50 will be turned into 50.0 and if set to zero '0' then 66.6 will be rounded to 67
divLineFontIsBold='1'booleanbold div-line font
divLineFontSize='10'numbersets the size of the div-line font
divLineFontColor='10'colorAn extra attribute to set the div-line font color
divBTWcat='1'booleanreneders the div-line values on the first category spokes or in between the first and second category spoke.
canvasBgColor='707080'colorcolor of the chart's canvas
canvasWallThickness='20'numberVertical size of the canvas in dots.
canvasBgAlpha='42'number0-100 set the canvas' alpha transparency
canvasBgBrightnessFill='40'numbervalue range -100 to 100 Brightness, fading the gradient color fill of the chart's canvas. -100 is fade to black. 100 fade to white.
canvasBgBrightnessLine='29'numbervalue range -100 to 100 Brightness, fading the line color of the chart's canvas. -100 is fade to black. 100 fade to white.
canvasBgBevel='0'booleanBevel color fade effect of the gradient fill between each division line on the canvas. Value range 0 to 100 in percent.
canvasBgIsPolar='0'booleanToggle between rendering the canvas as '1' polar type (round) or as '0' radar type (spider/web like). '0' or if left blank is the default value here.
showLegend='1'booleanBoolean switch to show/hide the legend.
legendVertDis='20'numbervertical distance in dots to the next rendered element
caption='3D Radar Chart'stringcaption string of the chart
captionFontSize='18'numberfont size of the caption string
captionVertDis='10'numberdistance beneath the caption to the next rendered element of the chart in dots
captionButtonAlpha='60'numberalpha tranparency value of the button element of the caption and sub caption. set to 0 to render no button. note, the caption button is cosmetic only, it can't be clicked!
subCaption='product comparison'stringsub caption string of the chart
subCaptionVertDis='0'numberdistance beneath the sub caption to the next rendered element of the chart in dots
navIntro='1'booleanshow/hide the INTRO navigation button. The functionality of the intro-button reflects the 2D/3D and fade-in settings.
btnIntroText='Play Intro'stringset any text for the intro button. Supports UTF-8 multi lingual settings.
nav3D2D='1'booleanShow/hide the navigation's 2D/3D flip switch button.
btn3D2DText='3D View,2D View'stringText string of the 2D/3D flip switch. Please note the comma char ',' is the separation character used to set a different text for each state of this button, however if the string is not separated by a comma char then both states will render one and the same text
navJog='1'booleanshow/hide the play forward pause backward (icon) navigation button. Gives the user the option to set the direction of the 360º fly around the y axis rotation
navRefresh='1'booleanShow/hide the refresh/reload button. By clicking this button all data of the xml is loaded and rendered anew.
btnIntroText='Play Intro'stringset any text for the intro button. Supports UTF-8 multi lingual settings.
navPrint='0'booleanShow/hide the navigation's print button. Note, the entire navigation will be hidden while printing.
btnPrintText='Print Out'stringText string of the print button. Supports UTF-8 multi lingual settings.
navImg='1'boolean(Flash 10 AS3 charts only) Show/hide the navigation's save as image (PNG file export) button. This button when clicked opens a dialog box that lets the user save a png formatted image file of the displayed chart to the local filesystem. Note, the entire navigation and the legend's show all values button will be hidden while saving an image file.
imgFileName='ColumnChart'string(Flash 10 AS3 charts only) The filename displayed in the dialog box for the file to be saved without the suffix ".png". Default is "chart". This string must not contain the following characters: / \ : * ? " < > | %
btnImgText='save IMG'string(Flash 10 AS3 charts only) Text string of the image save button. Supports UTF-8 multi lingual settings.
navFullScreen='1'boolean(Flash 9-10 as3 charts only) Show/hide the navigation's fullScreen flip switch button option. To enable full-screen mode, add the allowFullScreen parameter set to 'true' to the object and embed tags and the AC_FL_RunContent in the HTML page (look: html setup). Note, Keyboard shortcuts that terminate full-screen mode are: Escape (Windows, Linux, and Mac), Control+W (Windows), Command+W (Mac), and Alt+F4. Also a Flash Player dialog box appears over the movie when users enter full-screen mode to inform the users they are in full-screen mode and that they can press the Escape key to end full-screen mode. This big black dialog box fades out after a few seconds and will appear in the language of the flash player. It can't be altered! A movie having a transparent background will switch to it's opaque solid color background while in full-screen mode.
btnFullScreenText='FS ON, FS OFF'string(Flash 9-10 as3 charts only) Text string of the fullScreen flip switch. Please note the comma char ',' is the separation character used to set a different text for each state of this button, however if the string is not separated by a comma char then both states will render one and the same text. Supports UTF-8.
navColor='556699'colorHere one can set a different color for all navigation elements.
navVertDis='30'numberDistance above the navigation to the next element rendered by the chart movie in dots.
buttonHeight='3'numberAdditional button height adding to the height of the rendered font in dots.
buttonWidth='-6numberAdditional width beyond the width of the respective text string of each button in dots.
buttonRollOutAlpha='80'numberSet the mouse rollout alpha transparency high- and low-light effect. Value range 0-100.
buttonRollOverAlpha='100'numberSet the mouse rollover alpha transparency high- and low-light effect. Value range 0-100.
buttonTextRollOutAlpha='50'numberFlash 10 version only! Set the mouse rollout alpha transparency high- and low-light effect of the text of any button (legend and navigation). Value range 0-100. The default value is set by the value of the attribute called buttonRollOutAlpha (look above). Alpha transparency effects for any chosen font was introduced in Flash 10 AS3 and is not supported by Flash 9 AS3.
buttonTextRollOverAlpha='100'numberFlash 10 version only! Set the mouse rollover alpha transparency high- and low-light effect of the text of any button (legend and navigation). Value range 0-100. The default value is set by the value of the attribute called buttonRollOverAlpha (look above). Alpha transparency effects for any chosen font was introduced in Flash 10 AS3 and is not supported by Flash 9 AS3.
buttonHorPadding='4'numberHorizontal padding of the charts legend and navigation buttons in dots.
buttonBevel='6'numberButton's gradient color bevel in dots. Each button is rendered having an inner and an outer color. Set the space used by the gradient from the outer to the inner color here.
buttonOuterBevel='2'numberThe outer color fades to alpha 0. This sets the color ratio of the outer color. This value is automatically calculated if left blank.
buttonCornerRadius=''numberSets the radius of the corners of each button in dots. This value got to be larger or equal to the buttonBevel attribute to be valid. A invalid value is automatically rectified. One exception though, a rectangular button shape is drawn if this value is set to '0' zero. Also this value is automatically calculated if left blank.
buttonInnerBrightness='-20'numberThe color of each button is set by the color of the chart element, color of the series or font color etc. but with this attribute one can set the brightness (-100 to 100) of the inner part of each button's color.
buttonInnerAlpha='50'numberButton's alpha transparency of the inner color (0 to 100).
buttonOuterAlpha='100'numberButton's alpha transparency of the outer color (0 to 100).
tabFocus='1'booleanSpecifies whether or not objects display a glowing border (yellow rectangle) when they have focus. Enables or disables the alternative TAB/SHIFT TAB ENTER/RETURN focus navigation. This flash feature does not really suit the 3D charts movie thus it is disabled by default. Also key input ENTER/RETURN is disabled by flash in full-Screen mode due to security reasons.
chartLeftMargin='0'numberLeft margin of the chart movie in dots. One may use the margin attributes to exactly fit the chart movie's mask or any external loaded swf flash movie.
chartRightMargin='0'numberRight margin of the chart movie in dots.
chartTopMargin='0'numberTop margin of the chart movie in dots.
chartBottomMargin='0'numberBottom margin of the chart movie in dots.

attributes of the <categories ... > child node

font='Verdana'stringSpecifies the font of the category names.
isBold='1'booleanRender the category fond bold.
fontSize='11'numberFont size of the category names.
fontColor=''colorFont color of all category names. Colored fonts respectively to the individual color of single series chart elements are supported. To achieve this effect leave this fontColor='' attribute blank.
showCap='4'numberRender a cap of the category name. No cap is rendered if set to '0' zero. A rectangular cap is rendered if set to '1'. Values greater than '1' will render a cap with round corners. The corner radius is set in dots by this very attribute.
capBgColor='ccddff'colorSet the background color of the category name cap with this attribute.
capBorderColor='ffffff'colorSet the border line color of the category name cap with this attribute.
capAlpha='25'numberSet the alpha transparency of the category name cap with this attribute.

attribute of the categories child node called <category ... >

name='Ecology'stringName of the category. Here one can insert new-line commands (carriage return / line feed) by \r\n like this: name='Engine\r\nRPM'. The category text is mouse hover enabled. All chart elements' hover captions of this category will show up. An inherent requirement of this chart type is to provide a minimum of 3 categories to enable the drawing of the graph.

attributes of the <dataset ... > child node

seriesName='Product A'stringName string of the series. This name will be rendered on the respective button in the legend if the legend is visible.
color='0099bb'colorColor of the series. Overwrites the colors calculated or set by the elementColor attribute of the <chart ... > node.
textColor='ccddff'colorColor of the hover Caption Value text of the respective series.
renderAs='Line'stringRender this series as 'Area' (default) as 'Line' or as 'Rose'. Combine these types as pleased.
alpha='75'numberTransparency alpha value of the chart's elements of this series.

attributes of the dataset child node called <set ... >

value='69'numberNumber or float value of the element. Positive negative and zero values are supported. Please read the description of the attribute called 'formatNumberScale' above to learn all about supported number values in detail. Also large scale numbers can be set in the E notation format (like value='3.45e-9' standing for 3.45-9), please read the description of the 'Enotation' attribute for more info. A value is interpreted as discontinuous or missing in case this value attribute is left blank.
link='page.html'stringAdd a link for drill down charts that can be clicked.

There are several different options for this attribute:

link='http://www.advance-media.com' will open the specified page in the same window.

Note, the next option will work only in an online environment if using the latest flash player due to its new security settings!

link='f-variable_content-areca_nut.html' will open a page named areca_nut.html in a frame named variable_content. Note the 'f' character in the beginning and the character '-' to separate the frame option from the frame name and the page name.

link='n-http://www.advance-media.com' will open the specified page in a new browser window. Note the 'n-' in the beginning.

JavaScipt links can be called too:

add any JS function as usual in the <head> tag of the html page which contains the chart flash movie. Here two useful JS functions as example:

<script language="JAVASCRIPT">
function openPopWindow(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures) {
    // opening a new popUp browser window
    window.open(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures);

function openAlertWindow(myVar){
    // an alert prompt
// -->

The respective value of the link attribute calling these JS functions may look like:

link="javascript:openPopWindow('coriander.html', 'coriander', 'width=402,height=302,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no');"

link="JavaScript:openAlertWindow('Hello Java-Script');"

Note the smart combination of double " and single ' notation.

Here another example how to use the link attribute to call an email client:

link="mailto:info@advance-media.com?Subject=3D charts"

Note, do real URL encode special html characters.